Breast Cancer Treatment

Today, thanks to modern medicine, there are more survivors of breast cancer than ever before. Each year, more advances are made in breast cancer treatments and there are around two million survivors of the disease in the United States alone. The prevalence of breast cancer today is a product of extended lifespan, but the disease was recorded centuries ago. Today, there are many different treatments for breast cancer, most very effective and more research is being conducted into the treatment of this and other types of cancer every year.


Breast Cancer Treatment

Goals of Breast Cancer Treatments

There are two main goals that doctors are attempting to accomplish with whatever type of breast cancer they are treating, or whichever type of treatment that they recommend. Obviously, the first and most important goal is to get rid of Continue reading Breast Cancer Treatment

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer symptoms can vary in a wide range because there are a lot of breast cancer types, and sometimes in its early stage there are no obvious symptoms at all. So it’s better to be informed of the possible symptoms so you can be aware of the changes in your body and go to your doctor as soon as you notice some abnormality.  Identifying breast cancer early means to have the possibility of a more effective treatment and a less aggressive one that can interfere with your life quality. In order for you to identify the first signs of breast cancer you need to know what your breasts normally feel like. During lifetime the breast can go throw different changes and not all of them are a sign of breast cancer. Some changes might be caused from breast cysts, some from the menstrual cycle, some from the activation of the milk-producing tissue, etc. So before you panic you should understand if there is a reason why your breast is changing.


Breast Cancer Symptoms

Here we are going to mention the most important breast cancer symptoms:

  • Changes in the shape, contour, and size of the breast or nipple.
  • A lump or swelling in the armpit or in the breast. It may have uneven edges and usually they don’t hurt. Lumps can be visible on a mammogram before they can be felt or seen. This is why woman after their 40 with higher risk for breast cancer should do regular breast exams and mammograms so the breast cancer is diagnosed in its early stages. Benign lumps differ from cancerous lumps. Continue reading Breast Cancer Symptoms

What Is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a malignant tumor developed from cells in the breast. It occurs as a result of abnormal changes or mutation in the genes responsible for regulating the growth of cells. Normally cells in our bodies have a life cycle, in which they are formed, grow and die. Healthy new cells replace old or dead cells. But over time and for a lot of other factors that we are going to discuss later mutations can cause changes in the genes, or activate or deactivate certain genes. So breast cancer is always caused by a mistake in the genetic material. This genetic abnormality gives the cells the ability to divide without control or order, producing other defective cells and this way forming the tumor.

What Is Breast Cancer?


A tumor can be benign when its cells are usually close to normal in appearance, grow slowly and don’t spread in other parts of the body. They form something like a lump that can only cause compression. So these kinds of tumor have to grow a lot Continue reading What Is Breast Cancer?